A little over a year ago, I met and photographed Abigail. I was struck by her beauty! Big brown eyes, pudgy cheeks and a pretty pink tutu that her Mommy had made.
Do you remember her?

Last week I got to meet her again. Not much has changed, yet so much has changed! She's still beautiful with big, dark eyes, but now she is very mobile! She is a serious little girl, and seriously adventurous too! She loves to climb, go up and down steps, and once she saw the pond, it was all over. She was sure she had come here just to go swimming!
Here is Abigail now at just over a year and a half!

There was a train going by. She loves trains and was walking over to take a look.
We could only see just a little bit of it through the trees, but she was excited to see it.

Tickles from Mom and Dad to elicit a few more smiles.

Still getting warmed up to the idea of some strange lady taking her picture.

Now the fun begins!
She found something she could climb up on.
Then down.
And then up.

Then, of course, back down.

Still wanting to climb, but she held on for one family photo on the bench.

Abigail was slowed down for a few poses on the rock. A little too much of a challenge
for even her climbing skills!

A bridge at the park proved to be another favorite for Abigail!
In the photo on the right, her mom was singing to her and she was trying hard not to join in.

Still trying not to sing, but the tune is rather catchy!
(If you're happy and you know it...)

Finally, she just could not contain herself any longer.
She had to join in!

Yeah for Abigail! One final smile for the day.

Gen and Jeff, Thank you so much for the opportunity to photograph Abigail again. She is so precious! It was such fun to see you all again and to play with Abigail at the park. I loved watching her explore and seeing her personality emerging.