"Oh Ricky you're so fine. You're so fine you blow my mind. Hey Ricky. Hey Ricky. Oh Ricky you don't really seem to understand, you take me by the heart when you take me by the hand." Okay, so the song (If you're old enough to know it) really says Mickey, but that never stops me from singing it anyway. So what's with the flashback to the 80's here? Well, I was "tagged" a while ago to write 5 things I love about my husband and as I sat here to write, that just came out! I like to tease him with it sometimes-and watch out if we are ever somewhere and the song actually comes on the radio! If the tables were turned however, I seriously doubt this is one of those things that
he would say he loves about me! ;-D
From the Father-son Bake Off at Scouts
Okay so here goes. I guess I'll start at the very beginning (a very good place to start). We met over the phone (Long story) and I really liked his voice. I think I was mesmerized by it because we would stay on the phone until 4 am. All I knew of him for a week or so was his voice. It remains a favorite-especially when he is away!
As anyone who knows anything about Rick knows, he is a hard working man. Not just in his job, but at home as well. God has given him the ability to fix just about anything from cars to plumbing to appliances etc. He is never afraid to take on a task and not only will it get done, but it will get done well! I love that our boys are growing up seeing there dad do these hard things!
Rick is also an excellent teacher. He continually shows the kids how to do things around the house. But he doesn't just stop at showing them. He has a great ability to tell them the hows and whys of what he is doing so that they can understand. I too have often been the beneficiary of his instruction from cooking and gardening to being wise with our finances as well as questions the kids have asked that I don't have answers to.
They Love their Dad!
He is smart too. I tell you the guy is a walking factoid. I'd hate to play Jeapardy against him and let me tell you, I learned long ago not to make bets with him about who is right about something. He remembers EVERYTHING he has ever read!
Many probably don't see this side of Rick, but he is a funny man! He has the silliest nicknames that no one can quite tell where they came from. I think it took our children extra long to learn what their REAL names were when they were babies cause they were, and continue to be called anything but. He plays silly games with the kids. Sometimes he is just down right goofy!
This is the arctic ocean behind us. We are in Barrow Alaska-known as "The Top of the World" (Or at least that's what everything is called there)Rick is a generous man. When he sees a need, he is quick to want to help. He has always been so generous with me. He has blessed me with many thoughtful surprises. Everything from bringing home some of my favorite ice cream when he's had the kids out on an adventure to braving the cold and Polar bears to take me to the top of the world in Alaska when he would have much preferred Hawaii! I especially love that he is so willing to serve others by sharing what we have when there is a need.

And finally (but not really all there is), Rick is a gift to me from God. I thank God for him as he is exactly who God knew I should be with! He so balances me out! Where I am up and down/off and on he is consistent and steady. He is often a voice of reason when I am emotionally caught up in a situation or circumstance. He has been a great help to me in my spiritual growth. He helps me to think about what I believe so that I am not just repeating what I hear but understanding it as well. He has often, with just one comment, stopped the flow of sin from my heart which helps me to then think about what I'm saying/doing, recognize my sin and ultimately take it to the cross where I can confess and be forgiven.
So there you have it. Actually I wasn't counting as I wrote and I now realize that I did more than 5 things. Well, that's just too bad 'cause I wouldn't want to change a thing!
Now seeing as everyone I know in blog world has already been tagged, I tag YOU, whoever you are. If you are married and haven't already done this, YOU'RE IT! Even if you don't have a blog it's a helpful and fun exercise in reminding ourselves of what we have been given by such a gracious and kind God.