I'm trying to come up with a clever opening but nothings happening. So I guess I will just dive right in to life-lately. Sunday was our Scout troops Blue and Gold Dinner. Danny has moved on from Wolf Cub to a Bear Cub. He is loving scouts and especially looking forward to earning his whittling badge next year. Tyler has now officially crossed over into Boy Scouts. He earned the "Arrow of Light" and crossed the bridge. He has decided, however to end his scouting career here. I am proud of both of them for their achievements. Danny for being consistent and enthusiastic even when few others were showing up. Tyler was not sure he wanted to be a scout this year, but since he had signed up we told him he had to follow through on his commitment. He really persevered and worked hard to complete what he had to to "graduate". I am proud of him for sticking it out and fighting past the desire to quit.

Tyler has decided that he would rather put his efforts into baseball. He is now registered for baseball and he will be going to tryouts on Saturday. He has never played before but is determined to do well. We have been out practicing during these warmer days. It has been rather comical as I have been using a kid-sized, made for a lefty glove. I have to give him credit though-he hits more than he misses and that is really saying something with me pitching left handed!!
Danny came home the other day with papers for football registration for the Fall. He is so excited! He has been wanting to play football for a while.
And if that wasn't enough, Kate came home all excited yesterday with papers of her own! "Mom guess what? I have papers for signing up for football too! Can you sign me up too?" "Honey, you're a girl and girls don't play football" "But Mom! They said that anyone could sign up." Ahh, yes. Raising girls in modern times! I mentioned to her that if she played football, she would have to give up dance class. "Hmm. Oh. Well, never mind." I'm half tempted to sign her up just to see if she could even walk with a football uniform on!!!
Monday Kate and I got to join Danny's class on a short field trip to MiddleCreek to see the Snow geese and Tundra swans. That was pretty amazing! There were thousands of them everywhere!

I know this looks like a swarm of bugs, but all of those tiny dots are snow geese!!! There were so many that I had to stitch 3 pictures together to make this picture, and it still doesn't show all of them!
Now I am just awaiting some signs of Spring that have a little more color in them. I know brown is the "in" color right now, but outside, I would love to see it fade into the back ground while some more vibrant colors take over!