Last night during dinner we had some pretty heavy rain. After dinner, when the rain had stopped, and even a little before it stopped, Danny and Kate disappeared outside. A few minutes later I hear Rick call to me and say "Do you know what Kate and Dan are doing?" Uh oh! This can't be good! I grabbed my camera and went out to look for them. There they were. In the construction mud. Making "Swimming pools" for the little toad that was hopping by them. This is why we call them Water Bug 1 and 2! They just can't stay away!!! I give you exhibit A and B from 3 years ago. And exhibit C and D from last night!
Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

Exhibit D:

All I can say is, if it's God's will for Kate to marry one day, I pray that it won't RAIN!!