Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Surprise!

So here's the surprise: My husband is so kind and generous! Oh. Wait. I didn't mean that. Wait. Yes I did. He is kind and generous, but that's not the surprise! It is however, what was responsible for the surprise. Which by now is no longer a surprise to anyone especially the kids, who were the target of the surprise.
Okay, I think I have been able to untwist my foot from my mouth now. Can I continue now? Good.

When Rick was scheduled for 2 business related appointments in sunny Florida; and when Pennsylvania was anything but sunny, Rick decided to "DRAG" his family along with him. He almost broke my arm when he twisted it to get me to say yes! We opted to keep it from the kids which was quite fun, but challenging! I had to make arrangements at school behind their backs and make sure none of the teachers or principals or any others let on to them that they were going away. I had to gather their homework, pack their clothes and stock up on entertaining things to do on an airplane. All without them knowing. The task was made a little easier by the fact that they are in school during the day. I packed the suitcases and put them back where we usually keep them until the day finally arrived.

We told the kids that we were driving Dad to the airport so we could take him out to dinner on his birthday-the day he, I mean WE were scheduled to come back home. The kids didn't suspect a thing until I passed the terminal and Danny asked why we were driving by it. I told him I missed Dad's airline so we were going to park and help Dad get his stuff to the airport. After we parked Rick pulled out the camera and taped their reaction to the news that they would be coming along. (I tired to upload it here but it wouldn't so you'll just have to trust me that they were surprised) (Although Tyler will now tell you that he knew all along!-yeah right! I got the video buddy!) The kids were very excited but didn't really believe us at first until I pulled out the bags of their things that I packed for the flight.

It was a good flight and the trip was lots of fun. We spent a morning on the beach;went to a wildlife sanctuary and saw lots of crazy birds and even a couple aligators! Rick's first appointment was cancelled so we were able to spend the day with him too which was a great surprise too!

The 2nd day there we headed to Orlando where Rick went to a convention. It was pouring rain that day so we spent it at the hotel. My brother and his family met us at the hotel and we hung out at the arcade and when Rick got back we were all able to go out for dinner. It was such fun to be able to see them and hang out for a while.

The next few days were spent in Disney. We had rain the first day but as you can see in the pictures, we just carried on through the day with ponchos on. We got to get to an English Pub for Fish and chips-something Tyler had wanted to do when we were down there before but we didn't get a chance too.

On Sunday, my sister in law and my 2 nieces were able to join us at Disney's Hollywood studios. We haven't seen them since Kate was a year old! It was such a treat to be able to see them! The kids loved "meeting" them again and hanging out with them. The only disappointment to that day (And I am thankful that the boys saw it as a disapointment) was that the Indianna Jones stunt show was cancelled due to a cheerleading competition. But they did get to ride the Star Wars ride repeatedly which I think, help to brighten their day!

One more day spent at Disney and then we were back to my mom's to sleep for a few hours before we had to wake up at 4am to catch the flight home.

All in all it was a wonderful time. I am so thankful to Rick for not only thinking about us but actually acting on that thought and having us tag along on his business trip! Yeah for business! :)

Here are some (Lots) of pictures from our time.

At the beach (Obviously)

The kids jumped right in the water. It was a little too cold for me.

Playing at the playground of our hotel. Danny on the hampster wheel.

The kids exploring the resort grounds.

The cousins arrive!

These 2 can't possibly be related! Kate and Rachael

Kate and Melissa

Did I tell you we had to rescue Kate from the jaws of a shark?

The English Pub.

Dan and Kate in a Japanese garden

Persevering in ponchos!

I apparently can't upload anymore pictures so I will have to post the rest at another time.
Tah-tah'Til then!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Winter Olympics

The kids have really enjoyed watching the Winter Olympics this year. Danny is having a difficult time deciding which sport he wants to start training for for the 2018 olympics. So in the mean time we have had our own Olympic events. Some traditional, some not so.
No awards are handed out at these games, as we are waiting for other countries to sign up so that we have some real competition.

Here are some exciting highlights of the some of the action!

Okay, so she really wasn't participating. I just thought it was a funny picture and I forgot to
include it in the last post.

This is the ice-swimming competition. He has tied Michael Phelps for the number of medals won in a single Olympics.

Here is the Ice-dancing pair of Kundrat & Kundrat.
A brother/sister team who got their start in the basement of their home.

Speed skating is a volatile sport. Here is the Gold medal hopeful from the U.S. as he
fell after catching his blade on a marker.

We go outside the arena now to bring you an exhibition sport this year. Snow-tennis. The judges haven't quite come up with a fair way to track the score.

As you can see, her form is excellent and she gets a tremendous spatter from the snowball she chose.

2 great shots from Danny in the men's event.

Tyler competed in the "cross-country skiing without skis" event.

Here are the men's and women's combined snow mountain jumping contest.
The last event was the downhill snowboard contest. Lacking the proper gear, our skier improvised with Duct tape.

Look at the concentration and look of determination.

And it was a GREAT RUN for the rooky! Wow have you ever seen anything like it?

And so this concludes the 2010 Olympiad.

Coming up next...... Well, I can't tell you as it is a surprise!