Kate had a Thanksgiving feast at school Wednesday morning and came home as a pilgrim. She wanted to keep her hat on all day, including dinner time. Is it possible that the pilgrims ate pizza?
Also on Wednesday, we had a cleaning party to get ready for our Thanksgiving feast. I just want to commend my dear children for how they served their family on this day with joy. Their helpfulness with the cleaning made it possible for me to be getting some of the food prepped ahead of time. I love how they continued to come to me and ask what else they could help me with. When all was said and done, we were able to relax and get cozy in the family room to watch a video together.
What fun our Thanksgiving day was. To have our home filled with family and friends is always the reward for the long hours of preparation. Even the clean up was a joy as I had a chance to visit with our friends the Putnam's as I was cleaning dishes. New to the crowd this year were people from my side of the family. My Aunt Claire and 2 of my cousins, Andrew and Meridith. It has been many years since I have had Thanksgiving with them. It was kind of fun having some who actually understood my humor. Our kids so enjoyed having their cousins here to play with. Having Matthew and Garrett here only added to their fun! Uncle John, of course came with his boxes filled with dollar store fun for the kids, and lots of chocolate! Though Kate is alone in a sea of boys, she found a good friend in Aunt Lori who helped her with her new Webkinz animals. What a pleasant day it was-I am so thankful for these holiday memories. Especially since this year I didn't have to feed the Robesonia fire department-though we had enough food to if they had shown up!
I just wanted to share this moment from this morning. I had been out and came home only to hear the kids fighting with each other in the playroom. Something was yelled about "you only think of yourself" (And who were they thinking about in that statement?) By God's grace I was able to keep calm and walk in to the room to seek to restore peace. I spoke to each of them about putting the interest of others before themselves. Kate was having a bit of a hard time letting go of bitterness. As I was seeking to lead her back to a place of joy, the boys spontaneously broke in to song, singing "Arise, Arise, arise, arise my soul arise" This from the 2 who get so upset at their sister for always singing! But what an effect it had! A moment later I was able to leave the room with Danny helping Kate to find Lego pieces to help her build what she was working on and peace had been restored. My feeble attempts to fix the situation were powerless, but God's word, and His Spirit moved in a powerful way in that moment and changed their hearts! Praise be to Him who is so faithful and patient with His children.