The snow started 11/18 and continued into 11/19. Much to my boys disappointment, it wasn't enough to close the schools, but it sure was pretty! I love the pristine beauty of the first snow, and what a fun contrast to have the fall colored leaves in the stark white snow! So here is my tree (AGAIN) bending with the weight of the snow and wet leaves.
No, the rose didn't miraculously grow on the tree, though I'm sure God could do that if he wanted to. I saw the rose just outside our front door while I was waiting with the boys to catch the bus. It is what inspired me to get my camera and go out with wet hair and take a few pictures before taking Kate to preschool. I don't set a very good example for my kids do I, going out with wet hair. Mom don't yell. I was only out for a few minutes. Really! And only the ends froze!
Hello there...
I just wandered here from Dani's blog...I am so excited to read about your Family! And I am excited to get to see your beautiful pictures...you are very gifted at photography! God Bless...
see Bonnie, you can take the photographs that I imagine taking with my brain. I too, marveled at the red leaves on white snow. Have a great Thanksgiving, don't invite any firemen this year!
Love, Danielle
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