Here's something you probably didn't know about me-I like clouds. Or maybe it is really the sky. I am not quite sure as I really just became aware of this myself. It dawned on me the other day that I often am compelled to grab my camera because of some cloud formation in the sky. Then as I looked through some of my pictures, I saw how many times I actually have grabbed my camera just to take pictures of the sky.

So I began to ponder the reason why, and immediately I knew. It is God who draws my eyes heavenward; to fix my gaze on the heavens; to look past the circumstances of this world and look to my true home.

Psalm 19:1 "
The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork."
I absolutely love the clouds too, Bonnie - I was just gazing at them today - clear blue sky with fluffy cotton balls in perfect 3-D clarity! I like your last 2 pictures best - how neat that the clouds formed a cross - it surely does declare His glory, doesn't it?!
beautiful cross cloud Bonnie. I love it best when the clouds turn pink and purple like during a wintery sunset.
Oh...I love clouds too...I used to love to lay on the grass when I was little and watch the clouds! Once again your pictures are beautiful!
You're right, I didn't know that about you, but I'm not surprised. I love the sky too, especially bright sunny days when it's a vibrant blue with huge white clouds all spread out. I find more sunrise and sunset pictures in my photo albums though and these are always most dramatic when the colors are reflecting on clouds near the horizon. I love that verse too, that anyone who's seen the sky is without excuse - they can't honestly say they never saw evidence that there is a God of creation!
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