I want to take this time to honor my niece Melissa. She came to stay with us for a couple weeks last summer. We had so much fun with her that at the beginning of this summer my kids were asking when Melissa was going to come back and stay with us. Well we had the joy of welcoming her back this month.
The kids had so much fun having her here. She made the time with them such a time of blessing. She was so quick to play with them what they wanted to play, and this without tiring or melting in the hot sun! She even watched the kids one evening so that Rick and I could go out to dinner together-something we haven't had a chance to do for a while. She patiently put up with McDonald's for lunch, little fingers wanting to strum her guitar and playing mini golf with munchkins! Of course she blew us all off the course with her stunning performance on the putting greens of Pagoda golf!
What a joy it was, Melissa to have you here! It is so refreshing to see a teen who is so eager to put asside her desires (including sleep) in order to be a blessing to all of us- you really were/are a blessing to us! Kate just adores you and I know that the time you spent with her will be a fond memory for her. Thank you for really making her feel special.
Mel, or Missa (pronounced Meesa) has grown so much in the Lord since last year. She was baptised just a week before coming here. I can see in her a greater joy, and a growing desire to honor God with her life. She has humbly shared her heart many times seeking to grow in her walk with God and she thoughtfully considers God's word when it is brought to her.
Miss, it is always a joy to talk with you about God. He is so good and He will complete this good work that He has begun in you to conform you to the image of His son! You can trust that all you experience will be worked together for good. Be encouraged in the struggles that this is God's spirit at work in you! I'll be praying for you for courage and strength as you walk out this last year of high school. God knows the plans He has for you... wait on him.
ILY, WLY. GOD loves you even more!
Aunt Bonnie
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