Today is picture day at school. So what did I decided yesterday? Well, that the kids needed haircuts before their mops became a part of a permanent record! That's not too much of a gamble the night before pictures is it? Well maybe not, unless you consider where they go to get haircuts-namely my kitchen. And the hairdresser? None other than me! A risky proposition for sure! So with clippers in hand I went to work on Danny. I couldn't remember which size I used on him before so I guessed. It came out quite a bit shorter than I thought! OOPs! Oh well, he liked it, especially when I put gel in it and made it spikey! So then came Kate. I WAS just going to cut her bangs. Well once I got started I thought perhaps I would just trim the back. I trimmed. I looked. Crooked! So I trimmed again. Big chunks and still not straight! I was sweating at that point! So anyway, long story a little less long, her hair is much shorter than I had anticipated and it is still crooked, but I was afraid that if I continued she would end up with the same hair style as Dan! All in all though, I guess they turned out OK! Kate's is actually curling under beautifully! Isn't it wonderful how God can bring beauty from our botched efforts?
So today is Kate's 6th birthday(More on that later). We met Rick at McDonalds for lunch before I dropped her off at school. Another pre-picture blunder! I was wiping dried ketchup from her little cheeks as we were walking into the school! When I was a kid, in every single 1 of my school pictures I had some kind of bump or bruise on my face. My kids will just have ketchup! Today, for a fee, they can "remove facial blemishes". Maybe I should have checked that box on the order form and written "Please remove ketchup stains from cheecks." :D
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Kate! I remember coming to see you guys at the hospital! What would Rachael do without you.
And Danny's hair is really great. I like it alot, he look too big though, and I don't like that at all. Why don't our kids slow down a bit with all this growing up. Sometimes I look outside at Benny playing and for a minute I think it is Nate, still that size.
And God is so kind. All the time in big and small ways.
Looking foward to seeing you soon.
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