What a joy it was to photograph your beautiful family with the new addition of baby brother! Your girls are so sweet and so welcoming and I loved all the questions little Faith asked. It is wonderful to see how much they love their little brother.
Audrey, I so admire the way you love and treasure your little ones. You have always been such an example of that to me. Thank you so much for the opportunity to come to your home to take theses pictures. Asside from a few glitches from little Eli-(sorry Damien!) your family was so co-operative and easy to photograph!
I know you have seen some of these, but there are a few more mixed in now too!

One of my favorites so I put it first!

Can you believe this 10 day old baby lifting his head like this?!

And not just for a second either!

He held it up for quite a while so that I could get his picture! Guess he wanted to be sure I got his good side.

"There ain't no way you're taking this from me again lady!"
He did NOT want to loose that binky.

Precious baby.

Big sister watching from the stairs!

And beautiful biggest sister to end the post.
(Audrey. I am wondering if it is possible to take a bad picture of any of your children?)
Congratulations again. It is wonderful to see how God is building your precious family.