This little guy wanted nothing to do with playing-he just wanted to work! When we wanted him to play in the leaves, he wanted to rake them. When we tried to get him to have a ride in the wagon, he just wanted to pull it! I think 1 day he will be a dedicated, hard working man. Probably like his Daddy who is serving our country over in Iraq.
Thank you Jenn, for allowing me the opportunity to photograph and to play with your little boy, his friend, and big brother. Thank you also for your and your husband's sacrifice for our country. I hope you enjoy the pictures!

He has a cute smile. He looks a little shy in this, but he wasn't at all.

There is something about this one that just makes me smile!

He is having so much fun!

Jenn, this is one of my favorites! He looks so happy and completely trusting you.

What a cute face. And I love his short, little legs in the jeans!

I couldn't decide which I liked better, so here are both.

Playing with different effects on photoshop. I liked the way this one turned out.

Love his eyes!


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