Monday, April 6, 2009

Next up, NASCAR

This past Saturday was our cub scout den's Pine Wood Derby. It may not be NASCAR, but let me tell you, the competition is official and fierce!Here is Danny's car at the official weigh-in. All cars must be under a certain weight. The boys and their dad's are given a block of wood and some wheels and they get to design their own car. Here were this years entries.

Danny had in mind that he wanted to make his a Honda. Perhaps he will grow to be a more practical sort who chooses function over form. For now, it seems he made a wise decision. This is his car in the lead. (I wonder if we could get some royalties from Honda for this picture?)

This is how they start the race.

Here are the men awarding the ribbons to the winners.

Kate was the official car stopper!

Here is Danny with his 1st place ribbon! His car won all the races he was in! He was not so happy with me when I took this picture because I was singing the Speed Racer theme song.
"Here he comes. Here comes Speed Racer. He's a demon on wheels...."

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Wow!! Congratulations Danny. Maybe next year you and your dad can help our boys out with theirs, because although ours win prizes for looks, they just don't have it in the speed dept... Oh well. I am glad you had such a great time.