In which I show you the strange birds and other creatures in Florida......

Blue Heron

Green Heron(Not sure why it is called that as it seems more purple and blue to me)

Don't know-hey what can I say, I am not an ornithologist.

Anhinga mama

Anhinga babe

Mr Aligator. (Okay so I don't
really know if it is a Mr.)

I think the scientific name for these is: "Ducks"

Turns out there are some normal birds there too-a blue jay for instance

Mr. Aligator again, though he seems to be going undercover now. Glad I'm not one of those ducks!

The blue heron again

A Snowy Egret
See Mr. Principal, we really did do some educational things on this "Educational Family trip" I had to apply for! ;-)
Very educational. I think you did a great job with the duck picture and the last heron one with the reflection in the water.
My sister always has lots of pics of alligators and I don't think I ever want to be that close to one unless there is nice thick glass between me and it. Like the zoo!
I agree with Danielle - the duck picture was my favorite, and the heron was really good too. You have quite the eye! And if my family vacation to the beach when I was still in school was "educational", I'd say that yours certainly was :)
Thanks for the comments.
Danielle-lest you think I was tempting the aligator with my kids or something, we were up on a boardwalk that was 6 feet above the water these critters were in. I was using a telephoto lens! =)
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