Kelly has tagged me in another Blog game. Here are the official rules: Go to the 5th folder of your photos and take the 5th picture and post it.
Okay, I don't know if you realize just how many areas of my computer are filled with photo folders. Bogged down in my dilemma of which section do I go to to get a 5th folder, I finally decided to go back to my archives where I store all of my photos. This is back 4 years ago now to when I first got a digital camera-a very generous Christmas gift from my husband I might add. So without further ado, I give you the 5th photo from the 5th folder of way back then.......
TADAH! Pretty boring isn't it? I told you it was a new camera. I was messing around trying to learn how to use all of the settings. It is quite different from my old film cameras.
And now, since I was disappointed with the results of that file I snooped around in neighboring folders and found this of Kate. She was sleeping in the car on Christmas day while we were driving to Rick's brother's house. She would have been just over 2 years old. This was the 5th photo in the first folder.
And another of Kate because I have always loved this picture. This was the 2nd (and last) picture in the 6th folder. Again just over 2 years old.
And now that I have stayed up way later then I anticipated (I got sidetracked down Photo Memory Lane) I tag Danielle, Stacey, Marie R., and Audrey
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Stormy Weather
Kate and her yellow duck umbrella
In just 1 hour yesterday we went from cloudy skies to rain, thunder, hail and finally the skies cleared and the sun was shining! These 2 fuss about going outside when it is nice out, but bring on any kind of wetness and they're out the door! They were so excited to see the hail they just HAD to go outside! About a half hour later they were in the kitchen, soggy and sipping hot chocolate
Monday, November 24, 2008
Tyler's project
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
This is a project Tyler did for school. I thought it turned out pretty cute so I thought I'd share. In the process of making this he learned a bit about Photoshop which is a photo editing program that I have. He also learned how to create a Power point presentation. Although this isn't the power point presentation he used (because I don't know how to post that to a blog) it is the same order of his show created in Smile box a place I found to make fun slide shows and scrapbooks and stuff.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Autumn Walk
Monday, November 10, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
It's guys like you, Ricky!
"Oh Ricky you're so fine. You're so fine you blow my mind. Hey Ricky. Hey Ricky. Oh Ricky you don't really seem to understand, you take me by the heart when you take me by the hand." Okay, so the song (If you're old enough to know it) really says Mickey, but that never stops me from singing it anyway. So what's with the flashback to the 80's here? Well, I was "tagged" a while ago to write 5 things I love about my husband and as I sat here to write, that just came out! I like to tease him with it sometimes-and watch out if we are ever somewhere and the song actually comes on the radio! If the tables were turned however, I seriously doubt this is one of those things that he would say he loves about me! ;-D
Okay so here goes. I guess I'll start at the very beginning (a very good place to start). We met over the phone (Long story) and I really liked his voice. I think I was mesmerized by it because we would stay on the phone until 4 am. All I knew of him for a week or so was his voice. It remains a favorite-especially when he is away!
As anyone who knows anything about Rick knows, he is a hard working man. Not just in his job, but at home as well. God has given him the ability to fix just about anything from cars to plumbing to appliances etc. He is never afraid to take on a task and not only will it get done, but it will get done well! I love that our boys are growing up seeing there dad do these hard things!
Rick is also an excellent teacher. He continually shows the kids how to do things around the house. But he doesn't just stop at showing them. He has a great ability to tell them the hows and whys of what he is doing so that they can understand. I too have often been the beneficiary of his instruction from cooking and gardening to being wise with our finances as well as questions the kids have asked that I don't have answers to.
He is smart too. I tell you the guy is a walking factoid. I'd hate to play Jeapardy against him and let me tell you, I learned long ago not to make bets with him about who is right about something. He remembers EVERYTHING he has ever read!
Many probably don't see this side of Rick, but he is a funny man! He has the silliest nicknames that no one can quite tell where they came from. I think it took our children extra long to learn what their REAL names were when they were babies cause they were, and continue to be called anything but. He plays silly games with the kids. Sometimes he is just down right goofy!
And finally (but not really all there is), Rick is a gift to me from God. I thank God for him as he is exactly who God knew I should be with! He so balances me out! Where I am up and down/off and on he is consistent and steady. He is often a voice of reason when I am emotionally caught up in a situation or circumstance. He has been a great help to me in my spiritual growth. He helps me to think about what I believe so that I am not just repeating what I hear but understanding it as well. He has often, with just one comment, stopped the flow of sin from my heart which helps me to then think about what I'm saying/doing, recognize my sin and ultimately take it to the cross where I can confess and be forgiven.
So there you have it. Actually I wasn't counting as I wrote and I now realize that I did more than 5 things. Well, that's just too bad 'cause I wouldn't want to change a thing!
Now seeing as everyone I know in blog world has already been tagged, I tag YOU, whoever you are. If you are married and haven't already done this, YOU'RE IT! Even if you don't have a blog it's a helpful and fun exercise in reminding ourselves of what we have been given by such a gracious and kind God.
Okay so here goes. I guess I'll start at the very beginning (a very good place to start). We met over the phone (Long story) and I really liked his voice. I think I was mesmerized by it because we would stay on the phone until 4 am. All I knew of him for a week or so was his voice. It remains a favorite-especially when he is away!
As anyone who knows anything about Rick knows, he is a hard working man. Not just in his job, but at home as well. God has given him the ability to fix just about anything from cars to plumbing to appliances etc. He is never afraid to take on a task and not only will it get done, but it will get done well! I love that our boys are growing up seeing there dad do these hard things!
Rick is also an excellent teacher. He continually shows the kids how to do things around the house. But he doesn't just stop at showing them. He has a great ability to tell them the hows and whys of what he is doing so that they can understand. I too have often been the beneficiary of his instruction from cooking and gardening to being wise with our finances as well as questions the kids have asked that I don't have answers to.
He is smart too. I tell you the guy is a walking factoid. I'd hate to play Jeapardy against him and let me tell you, I learned long ago not to make bets with him about who is right about something. He remembers EVERYTHING he has ever read!
Many probably don't see this side of Rick, but he is a funny man! He has the silliest nicknames that no one can quite tell where they came from. I think it took our children extra long to learn what their REAL names were when they were babies cause they were, and continue to be called anything but. He plays silly games with the kids. Sometimes he is just down right goofy!
This is the arctic ocean behind us. We are in Barrow Alaska-known as "The Top of the World" (Or at least that's what everything is called there)
Rick is a generous man. When he sees a need, he is quick to want to help. He has always been so generous with me. He has blessed me with many thoughtful surprises. Everything from bringing home some of my favorite ice cream when he's had the kids out on an adventure to braving the cold and Polar bears to take me to the top of the world in Alaska when he would have much preferred Hawaii! I especially love that he is so willing to serve others by sharing what we have when there is a need.And finally (but not really all there is), Rick is a gift to me from God. I thank God for him as he is exactly who God knew I should be with! He so balances me out! Where I am up and down/off and on he is consistent and steady. He is often a voice of reason when I am emotionally caught up in a situation or circumstance. He has been a great help to me in my spiritual growth. He helps me to think about what I believe so that I am not just repeating what I hear but understanding it as well. He has often, with just one comment, stopped the flow of sin from my heart which helps me to then think about what I'm saying/doing, recognize my sin and ultimately take it to the cross where I can confess and be forgiven.
So there you have it. Actually I wasn't counting as I wrote and I now realize that I did more than 5 things. Well, that's just too bad 'cause I wouldn't want to change a thing!
Now seeing as everyone I know in blog world has already been tagged, I tag YOU, whoever you are. If you are married and haven't already done this, YOU'RE IT! Even if you don't have a blog it's a helpful and fun exercise in reminding ourselves of what we have been given by such a gracious and kind God.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Kate!
My dear sweet Katerina. I thank God for the gift you are to me and our family! You brighten every day with your beautiful smile, your many hugs and encouraging words. I so enjoy watching you grow. You have such a heart for praising God which bursts forth in song. I love the many conversations we have during the day about how awesome God is. I love how you offer to help me. I love how you sing so often. I love how you care and have such compassion for others. I love how you rejoice over going to school and learning. I love how you want to show kindness to others so often by giving gifts to them. I love how inviting you are to any who come to our home. I love that I have the privilege of being your mom. I will treasure up these nights when we go through our litany of goodnight kisses after prayers 'cause I know one day soon you will be too old for them. Are you sure you wont stay little for me just a little but longer?
Friday, October 10, 2008
What was I thinking?
Today is picture day at school. So what did I decided yesterday? Well, that the kids needed haircuts before their mops became a part of a permanent record! That's not too much of a gamble the night before pictures is it? Well maybe not, unless you consider where they go to get haircuts-namely my kitchen. And the hairdresser? None other than me! A risky proposition for sure! So with clippers in hand I went to work on Danny. I couldn't remember which size I used on him before so I guessed. It came out quite a bit shorter than I thought! OOPs! Oh well, he liked it, especially when I put gel in it and made it spikey! So then came Kate. I WAS just going to cut her bangs. Well once I got started I thought perhaps I would just trim the back. I trimmed. I looked. Crooked! So I trimmed again. Big chunks and still not straight! I was sweating at that point! So anyway, long story a little less long, her hair is much shorter than I had anticipated and it is still crooked, but I was afraid that if I continued she would end up with the same hair style as Dan! All in all though, I guess they turned out OK! Kate's is actually curling under beautifully! Isn't it wonderful how God can bring beauty from our botched efforts?
So today is Kate's 6th birthday(More on that later). We met Rick at McDonalds for lunch before I dropped her off at school. Another pre-picture blunder! I was wiping dried ketchup from her little cheeks as we were walking into the school! When I was a kid, in every single 1 of my school pictures I had some kind of bump or bruise on my face. My kids will just have ketchup! Today, for a fee, they can "remove facial blemishes". Maybe I should have checked that box on the order form and written "Please remove ketchup stains from cheecks." :D
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Happy Birthday Danny!
I am a little late in this post. Danny's Birthday was 11 days ago. I suppose I am still in denial that he is 8!!! Denial or not, heIS 8 and a very big 8 at that. He is getting so tall.
Danny, I am so happy that you are my son. I love your belly laughs that so freely flow. I love your care and compassion for others. I love your tough boy ways-even if I do have to keep buying you new shoes and jeans! I love that you just enjoy trying new things, especially when it involves guy stuff like hammers, and log splitters and stuff like that. I love that little twinkle in your eye and the dimple in your cheek. I love how you care for your sister and how the 2 of you have such a nice relationship. I especially love watching how God is changing you as you grow and how you desire to know more about God. I love how excited you were to receive your own Bible and how you immediately started reading it-(on the bus on the way to school). It is such a privilege to be your Mom and have a front row seat to your life. I am so excited to see what God has planned for you in the coming years! I love you D!
We were at the beach for Danny's Birthday as well as for tropical storm Hanna. It was such a wonderful time! We had 2 beautiful days on the beach and some time playing games in the hotel room while the rains blew through. We rode bikes on the boardwalk, played mini golf at "Gorilla Golf", and had DQ Blizzards for lunch before driving home that Sunday! The kids loved playing in the water and it was pleasantly warm! All 3 were boogy boarding and Ty and Dan started to body surf as well. It was such a joy to see them spending so many hours together enjoying each other in the surf.
Asside from trying to adjust to new school schedules, that's about it here.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Wednesday was a busy day! First we took Kate to her new school to meet her teacher. We also got to take a ride around the town on the school bus. It was cute to hear Danny coaching her on what will happen on the bus and what the rules are etc. This year will bring with it plenty of opportunities for Kate to make new friends at school as she doesn't know any of the other kids who will be in her class. All of her friends from preschool are in other classes. She tells me she is a little nervous, so if you think of her, would you please pray for her as she starts her "real school" career! Kindergarten! I can't believe it!
After we were finished with the bus ride, we picked up Daddy and then dropped off Ty and Kate at my friend Kathy's house. Kathy was so kind to watch Ty and Kate for a long day (and into the night) so that Rick and I could take Danny to the Air show. Danny, like his dad, loves airplanes. He has decided that he wants a career in the military. When I saw that there was an airshow in Atlantic City I thought it would be a great thing to take Danny to as a Birthday surprise. He is going to be 8 in just a couple of weeks! Can you believe it?
The day was absolutely perfect-bright blue skies with cool, comfortable temps. It was right on the beach too so Dan got to play a little in the surf. So actually it was 3 of Danny's favorite things all in one-planes, military and WATER!
We got there just in time to see the Army guys-the "Golden Eagles" parachute out of a plane! They all had colored smoke that trailed them as they drifted down which made really neat patterns against the blue sky! Then some different types of planes flew by. After that 2 bi planes put on a show doing all kinds of passes and acrobatics. I let Dan use my camera to take some pictures. Well for a while anyway, until he got too covered in sand. The 2 top pics were taken by him.
The highlight came at the end when the Thunderbirds came roaring on the scene!! They were spectacular-even if they did make all of my insides rattle!!! It was amazing how close they flew by and just over the water! I enjoyed seeing how excited Rick was to watch these planes too!
It was such a blessing to be able to spend this exciting time with Danny. Thank you to Kathy for watching Ty and Kate so that we could have this time with him. He was so excited about it and was talking a mile a minute when we get home, telling Ty and Kate all about after burners and how the planes went so fast they tore the air apart!
Monday, August 18, 2008
"Oh Sweet Melissa"
I want to take this time to honor my niece Melissa. She came to stay with us for a couple weeks last summer. We had so much fun with her that at the beginning of this summer my kids were asking when Melissa was going to come back and stay with us. Well we had the joy of welcoming her back this month.
The kids had so much fun having her here. She made the time with them such a time of blessing. She was so quick to play with them what they wanted to play, and this without tiring or melting in the hot sun! She even watched the kids one evening so that Rick and I could go out to dinner together-something we haven't had a chance to do for a while. She patiently put up with McDonald's for lunch, little fingers wanting to strum her guitar and playing mini golf with munchkins! Of course she blew us all off the course with her stunning performance on the putting greens of Pagoda golf!
What a joy it was, Melissa to have you here! It is so refreshing to see a teen who is so eager to put asside her desires (including sleep) in order to be a blessing to all of us- you really were/are a blessing to us! Kate just adores you and I know that the time you spent with her will be a fond memory for her. Thank you for really making her feel special.
Mel, or Missa (pronounced Meesa) has grown so much in the Lord since last year. She was baptised just a week before coming here. I can see in her a greater joy, and a growing desire to honor God with her life. She has humbly shared her heart many times seeking to grow in her walk with God and she thoughtfully considers God's word when it is brought to her.
Miss, it is always a joy to talk with you about God. He is so good and He will complete this good work that He has begun in you to conform you to the image of His son! You can trust that all you experience will be worked together for good. Be encouraged in the struggles that this is God's spirit at work in you! I'll be praying for you for courage and strength as you walk out this last year of high school. God knows the plans He has for you... wait on him.
ILY, WLY. GOD loves you even more!
Aunt Bonnie
Friday, July 25, 2008
Day of Amusement
Thursday Rick was able to take a day off so we could all go to Knoebels! It's our favorite summer park. I was watching the sky the whole way up there. There was a 20% chance of rain, but looking at the sky I was sure it was more likely than that. Sure enough as we walked into the park, the clouds opened and it poured! We were able to get under a shelter just in time to escape getting drenched! My concern grew for the days outlook, but little Kate had prayed the whole way up that the sky would clear. God was so kind to hear and answer her prayer! The clouds were gone within minutes and we had blue sky (and a cooler day) for the rest of the day! Oh to have the faith of a child!
Knoebels has not only become an annual trip for us in the summer, but it also serves as a gage of sorts in our kids growth. It is really neat to see how God has helped Tyler to overcome some of his fears as we watch him get on more and more rides each year. Not only on more rides, but he wanted to ride on some of them in his own car! Danny and Kate also added more rides to their lists of favorites this year.
The kids also did a wonderful job of being grateful for this time. With so much to choose from to do, it turned into a good opportunity to help them make choices and be thankful for what they could do and not whine or pout when they couldn't get or do everything that they wanted. As we all wearily climbed back into the van for the ride home, it was such a blessing to hear them say 'Thank you' to Daddy completely unprompted!
Knoebels has not only become an annual trip for us in the summer, but it also serves as a gage of sorts in our kids growth. It is really neat to see how God has helped Tyler to overcome some of his fears as we watch him get on more and more rides each year. Not only on more rides, but he wanted to ride on some of them in his own car! Danny and Kate also added more rides to their lists of favorites this year.
The kids also did a wonderful job of being grateful for this time. With so much to choose from to do, it turned into a good opportunity to help them make choices and be thankful for what they could do and not whine or pout when they couldn't get or do everything that they wanted. As we all wearily climbed back into the van for the ride home, it was such a blessing to hear them say 'Thank you' to Daddy completely unprompted!
The end of the day indulgence!
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