Friday was Katie's graduation from preschool. I can't believe my baby is going to be in Kindergarten! How can this be? It was a tearful goodbye on my part! I have known her teachers for 7 years-longer than Kate has been alive! I have so appreciated how they have so tenderly cared for my children and always with such joy in their hearts! Kate cried at bedtime that night because she "will never see my teachers again!"

Tyler is going to be 10 (yes that's right,
TEN) on Wednesday! Today we had a surprise party for him after church at Chuck E Cheeses. While Dad and the kids started their walk part way home from church, I rounded up Nate and Andrew-Tyler's 2 favorite buddies, and we headed out. We picked up Ty and the rest of the family about a mile from the church. Ty got in the van and just said "Huh? What are you guys doing here?" It was such fun. We had a great time at the Cheeses'!

A second surprise-Danny bit into his pizza and FINALLY lost his front tooth! It has been sticking out and snaggly for several weeks now! It was a little bloody-Poor Nate who was sitting next to him; I'm not sure he really wanted to finish his pizza after that!

The lone girl amidst all the boys-she looks so forlorn in this picture.
After the pizza we came back to our house for ice cream cake. All in all it was a very fun day and I think that Ty was quite surprised and very blessed to have his best friends share in the celebration of his first decade.
1 comment:
What a fun birthday surprise! I enjoy Chuck E Cheese much more now that Xavier doesn't climb up in the tubes and not come down for an hour at a time. I don't know how many times he missed singing Happy Birthday to the party child because he didn't see me waving frantically on the ground as he crawled past a window. Happy Birthday Tyler! Congratulations on the tooth Danny! And I loved the pictures of Katie Ballerina! Gorgeous!
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