My Dear Tyler,
“Can I tell you sumpin? Well…” (I say with 1 finger pointed in the air), 10 years ago today the doctor announced, “It’s a boy!” As tears flowed down my cheeks, I looked upon that beautiful baby boy and marveled at this precious gift that God had given me. (Sorry but I have to use the word beautiful-handsome just doesn’t fit a baby!) My life had changed forever, and I am so glad it has! You are such a blessing to me. I am so thankful that God would entrust you to my care.
I cherish the memories I have of when you were little; building ‘sunset tunnels’ for Thomas the Train, reading Dr. Seuss together, rocking with you in my arms as we sang “Little Chucky Rabbit”, watching ‘tractors’ over and over and anticipating the day when “baby Danny” could watch too.
It has been a joy to watch you grow in this past decade and I am so excited to see the person whom God has created you to be.
You have always loved books. Even as an infant we would look at books for long periods of time. You giggled and giggled at “Funny Farm” and by 18 months you had several of the Dr. Seuss books memorized. I remember listening from the other room as you sat with your books in your crib and ‘read’ them. I could always tell which book you were reading and what page you were on because you knew them so well.
It is neat to see that you still have that love for reading. You can still read a book and remember every detail! I love that you enjoy reading God’s word. I know that as you read it and memorize the “details” of scripture, it will serve you, and others well to spur you on in your walk with the Lord. God’s word is living, active and powerful! It will encourage and strengthen you as you face the challenges of your next decade.
Ty, I love your unique sense of humor, especially when you’re not really sure why something you have said is funny.
I love when you hug me and tell me you love me.
I love how you have persevered even when things can get hard on you.
I love how you desire to do what is right.
I love the questions you ask-well, maybe not the ones I can’t answer, but that’s what we have Daddy for. It is encouraging to see how you want to know more-especially about God.
I love the conversations that these questions stir up. I love how you can bring a new perspective to our reading in the Bible.
I love that you care for your family, in particular for the safety of your brother and sister.
Ty, you are a precious gift, a treasure. I thank God always for you. I am looking forward to seeing you grow in this next decade- though I must admit I don’t look forward to the food that I will have to buy to fill your bottomless belly!
My prayer for you, son is that you will grow deeper in your relationship with the Lord. That you will know the joy and peace that is found only through the blood of our Savior Jesus Christ.
I love you,
Ok Bonnie, you get the prize for making me cry today! I can't believe all these beautiful boys are turning into handsome young men right before my eyes. I was cleaning today and found photos of Danny and Jeremiah's joint 3rd birthday party. How little they were! It goes so fast so we better enjoy it.
What a nice post honoring Tyler. How blessed you are!
Happy Birthday Tyler!!
Mrs. Medicine
What a wonderful letter to Tyler, Bonnie!!! I simply cannot believe how he was "reading" in that picture at 3 months! And at 18 mo you could tell what book he was reading... Caleb is 17 mo and we don't know anything he says except, "Dadee!" A very bright young man indeed :) You & Rick are doing a great job training your kiddos!
Hey Bon - What a wonderful gift this letter will be to Tyler for years to come. It is amazing how he loved books at such a young age. I enjoyed looking at your pictures too. I particularly liked the cross in the clouds!
Love you - Lin
Wow - the next decade? That's mind-boggling! I can't imagine Tyler at 20! I am praying with you that he'll grow to know and love his Savior more. How neat that he digs into God's word like that! How kind of the Lord to give him that love. Happy Birthday Tyler!
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