Friday, July 25, 2008

Day of Amusement

Thursday Rick was able to take a day off so we could all go to Knoebels! It's our favorite summer park. I was watching the sky the whole way up there. There was a 20% chance of rain, but looking at the sky I was sure it was more likely than that. Sure enough as we walked into the park, the clouds opened and it poured! We were able to get under a shelter just in time to escape getting drenched! My concern grew for the days outlook, but little Kate had prayed the whole way up that the sky would clear. God was so kind to hear and answer her prayer! The clouds were gone within minutes and we had blue sky (and a cooler day) for the rest of the day! Oh to have the faith of a child!

Knoebels has not only become an annual trip for us in the summer, but it also serves as a gage of sorts in our kids growth. It is really neat to see how God has helped Tyler to overcome some of his fears as we watch him get on more and more rides each year. Not only on more rides, but he wanted to ride on some of them in his own car! Danny and Kate also added more rides to their lists of favorites this year.

The kids also did a wonderful job of being grateful for this time. With so much to choose from to do, it turned into a good opportunity to help them make choices and be thankful for what they could do and not whine or pout when they couldn't get or do everything that they wanted. As we all wearily climbed back into the van for the ride home, it was such a blessing to hear them say 'Thank you' to Daddy completely unprompted!

Sunday Driver (okay so it was really a Thursday)

Dad and Dan on the Sail plane

Kate on the "Horsey Up/Down" as she always called it. Now it's a Merry go Round:-(

Dad and Dan on the roller coaster-Danny's first time!

The "Airplanes with the teeth."

Dan on the Balloon Race ride.

Ty-the first ride he ever went on at Knoebles was this train!

Ty riding alone on the Whip

Kate's new favorite-the go carts! She was actually a pretty good driver!

Dan and I on the Paratrooper ride-Danny's new favorite!

The end of the day indulgence!


Danielle said...

what a wonderful day you had Bonnie, I am so glad to hear that God answered Kate's prayers about the rain.
I always feel a bit sad that the bigger kids bypass all the "baby" rides now in favor of the more exciting ones, but it is neat to see how they grow each year too. So was that icecream just for you, or did you have to share :)

Audrey said...

We really enjoy Knoebles too:) Glad you had such a fun, memory making day. I also love Emme's prayers and her faith that God can do more than we can imagine. What a wonderful reminder for me!