Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Another game of Tag

Kelly has tagged me in another Blog game. Here are the official rules: Go to the 5th folder of your photos and take the 5th picture and post it.

Okay, I don't know if you realize just how many areas of my computer are filled with photo folders. Bogged down in my dilemma of which section do I go to to get a 5th folder, I finally decided to go back to my archives where I store all of my photos. This is back 4 years ago now to when I first got a digital camera-a very generous Christmas gift from my husband I might add. So without further ado, I give you the 5th photo from the 5th folder of way back then.......

TADAH! Pretty boring isn't it? I told you it was a new camera. I was messing around trying to learn how to use all of the settings. It is quite different from my old film cameras.

And now, since I was disappointed with the results of that file I snooped around in neighboring folders and found this of Kate. She was sleeping in the car on Christmas day while we were driving to Rick's brother's house. She would have been just over 2 years old. This was the 5th photo in the first folder.

And another of Kate because I have always loved this picture. This was the 2nd (and last) picture in the 6th folder. Again just over 2 years old.

And now that I have stayed up way later then I anticipated (I got sidetracked down Photo Memory Lane) I tag Danielle, Stacey, Marie R., and Audrey

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Stormy Weather

Danny peering in through the kitchen window

Kate and her yellow duck umbrella

In just 1 hour yesterday we went from cloudy skies to rain, thunder, hail and finally the skies cleared and the sun was shining! These 2 fuss about going outside when it is nice out, but bring on any kind of wetness and they're out the door! They were so excited to see the hail they just HAD to go outside! About a half hour later they were in the kitchen, soggy and sipping hot chocolate