Friday, January 30, 2009

Winter Pictures

If you know me, you know that I like to take pictures. I take lots of pictures! So even when I was too busy to blog, I still had my camera within reach to grab some pictures along the way. Just thought I'd share a "few" from the last month.
The picture above I call "Christmas Snow" If you can, click on it to enlarge it and you will see why. You really can't tell with it the standard size, but full size you can see rainbow sparkles in the snow.

This is Christmas day. Kate on her new bike.

(Above) Kate often finds herself in the position of having to model for me as I try out new lighting techniques.

No mother of the year award here. I was so busy trying to get the settings right on my camera that I didn't even notice that she wasn't wearing gloves! Can you see how red her hands are?

Danny helping Dad bring in the firewood.

Yes, Tyler is still a part of our family, he just doesn't like to get his picture taken. Just wait though, I was able to get a few of this magnificently elusive creature.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I like all of the pictures, especially Danny and Katie at the back door. The lighting looks really nice. I bet you are having fun perfecting your talent.