Monday, March 2, 2009

Waiting for the Lamb

At 6am this morning the word was "2 hour Delay" so we all went back to sleep. By 9am (yes we were awake by then) the updated word was "School will be closed" YIPPEE and YAHOO! It is always fun to have my kiddos home with me unexpectedly and though I would have preferred watching daffodils popping up, we instead were able to enjoy the lion's roar!

Tyler about to crash into me

Kate enjoying her ride

"Look Mom! It Works!"................. THUD!!!....... Giggle. Giggle........."Oh, until I try to turn." ;o)

1 comment:

Audrey said...

So fun, Bonnie=) Looks like the kiddos had a blast and so did you watching them I am sure....well today feels more like a daffodil popping up day=) Hope you are enjoying this lamby day as well=)